open offer

open offer
A mechanism by which issuers raise funds through a pro-rated offer of new shares to existing shareholders. Each qualifying shareholder is entitled to subscribe for new shares, but entitlement is not readily transferable and, if the entitlement lapses, holders do not receive any compensation.

Euroclear glossary. 2008.

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  • open offer — An offer of new shares usually at a discount to existing shareholders on a pre emptive basis, similar to a rights issue. The usual practice is to invite shareholders to apply for any number of shares. Unlike a rights issue, application forms are… …   Law dictionary

  • Open offer — Ein Open Offer (deutsch: offenes Angebot) ist eine besondere Form eines Kaufangebots, bei der der Verkäufer eines Objekts als Open Offer ein Angebot stellt, sich die Gegenpartei bei Angebotsannahme zu einer Abnahme zwingend verpflichtet, der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • open offer — An issue of shares by a company for cash to existing shareholders on a basis pro rata to existing shareholdings. It is similar to a rights issue. However, the key difference is that the right to subscribe for shares in an open offer is not… …   Financial and business terms

  • Open Offer — A secondary market offering that is similar to a rights issue in which a shareholder is given the opportunity to purchase stock at a price that is lower than the current market price. The purpose of such an offer is to raise cash for the company …   Investment dictionary

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  • offer — An expression indicating one s desire to sell a commodity at a given price; opposite of bid. Chicago Board of Trade glossary To show the desire to sell a futures contract at an established price. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary Indicates a… …   Financial and business terms

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