1Le Francais juridique Livret d'activites , Michel Soignet (2003)
ORGANISATION GENERALE DE L'OUVRAGE: 10 unit&# 233;s th&# 233;matiques (100 pages) transcription des documents oraux (7 pages) corrig&# 233;s des exercices (8 pages) glossaire + sigles (9 pages)… 2058 руб2Modern Analog Filter Analysis and Design. A Practical Approach , Raut R.
Starting from the fundamentals, the present book describes methods of designing analog electronic filters and illustrates these methods by providing numerical and circuit simulation programs. The… 8507.17 руб электронная книга3Reconciliation of Geometry and Perception in Radiation Physics , Beckers Benoit
Reconciliation of Geometry and Perception in Radiation Physics approaches the topic of projective geometry as it applies to radiation physics and attempts to negate its negative reputation. With an… 7644.74 руб электронная книга4Sound Linkage. An Integrated Programme for Overcoming Reading Difficulties , Charles Hulme
The updated edition of this successful resource has been developed to support children with reading delays and dyslexia. It contains a phonological training programme, an explanation of how this… 6331.17 руб электронная книга5Low-Dimensional Solids , Dermot O'Hare
With physical properties that often may not be described by the transposition of physical laws from 3D space across to 2D or even 1D space, low-dimensional solids exhibit a high degree of anisotropy… 10733.4 руб электронная книга6Design of Microwave Active Devices , Jean-Luc Gautier
This book presents methods for the design of the main microwave active devices. The first chapter focuses on amplifiers working in the linear mode. The authors present the problems surrounding… 12741.47 руб электронная книга