Euroclear Bank — Brussels based public limited liability company (société anonyme / naamloze vennootschap), which is an International Central Securities Depository ( ICSD) and the operator of the securities settlement system Euroclear System . It is the premier… … Financial and business terms
Euroclear group — Group that comprises Euroclear Bank SA/NV, Euroclear France SA, Euroclear Nederland BV, EMXCo, Euroclear UK Ireland and Euroclear Belgium … Euroclear glossary
Euroclear France — The Central Securities Depository (CSD) of France and the operator of the Relit+ and RGV state of the art, high performance settlement systems. First launched in 1941 as CCDVT (Caisse Centrale de Dépots et de Virements de Titres), Sicovam SA took … Euroclear glossary
Euroclear system — Current settlement system of Euroclear Bank … Euroclear glossary
Euroclear — est une société internationale de dépôt et de règlement/livraison pour les obligations, actions et fonds d investissement, créée en 1968 à Bruxelles. Elle est l un des deux dépositaires centraux internationaux de titres (International Central… … Wikipédia en Français
Euroclear — is a user owned, user governed Brussels, Belgium based financial services company that specializes in the settlement of securities transactions. It was founded in 1968 as part of J.P. Morgan Co.Euroclear settles domestic and international… … Wikipedia
Euroclear — Bank SA Rechtsform SA Gründung 1968 Sitz Brüssel … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bank Identifier Code — (BIC) A unique data that identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in international financial transactions. A BIC consists of eight or eleven characters. The first three or four characters are bank code, country code, location code … Euroclear glossary
Bank of England — (BoE) National central bank of the United Kingdom. Website: … Euroclear glossary
Euroclear group — Group that comprises Euroclear Bank SA/NV, Euroclear France SA, Euroclear Nederland BV, EMXCo, Euroclear UK Ireland and Euroclear Belgium. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary … Financial and business terms