
Security representing ownership of a stake in a corporation, i.e. share traded on a stock exchange (quoted or listed share), unquoted or unlisted share and other forms of equity. Equities usually produce income in the form of dividends.

Euroclear glossary. 2008.

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  • equity — eq·ui·ty / e kwə tē/ n pl ties [Latin aequitat aequitas fairness, justice, from aequus equal, fair] 1 a: justice according to fairness esp. as distinguished from mechanical application of rules prompted by considerations of equity comity between… …   Law dictionary

  • Equity — can refer to:General* Equity (law), a branch of jurisprudence in common law jurisdictions * In many political and legal systems, a concept encompassing ideals of justice (fairness) and/or equality * Equality, the philosophical ideal of valuing… …   Wikipedia

  • Equity — Eq ui*ty, n.; pl. {Equities}. [F. [ e]quit[ e], L. aequitas, fr. aequus even, equal. See {Equal}.] 1. Equality of rights; natural justice or right; the giving, or desiring to give, to each man his due, according to reason, and the law of God to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • equity — [ek′wit ē] n. pl. equities [ME equite < OFr équité < L aequitas, equality < aequus: see EQUAL] 1. fairness; impartiality; justice 2. anything that is fair or equitable ☆ 3. the value of property beyond the total amount owed on it in… …   English World dictionary

  • Equity —   [ ekwɪtɪ; englisch »Billigkeit«] die, , Recht: 1) im angloamerikanischen Recht Bezeichnung für Regeln zur Ergänzung des Common Law mit dem Ziel des Ausgleichs von Härten, ähnlich der Billigkeitsklausel in § 242 BGB; ursprünglich… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Equity — bezeichnet Equity (Recht), im angloamerikanischen Recht Regeln zur Ergänzung des Common Law Eigenkapital, ein Teil der Passivseite der Bilanz Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Equity — остаточная стоимость счета по фьючерсным сделкам, если предположить его ликвидацию по текущей рыночной цене. См. также: Расчетные палаты Финансовый словарь Финам …   Финансовый словарь

  • equity — The value of a debtor s interest in property that remains after liens and other creditors interests are considered. (Example: If a house valued at $60,000 is subject to a $30,000 mortgage, there is $30,000 of equity.) (BankruptcyAction.com) This… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • Equity — 1.) a ↑trade union in the UK for actors and actresses in film, theatre, TV, and radio 2.) a ↑trade union in the US for actors and actresses who perform in the theatre. Its full name is the Actor s Equity Association …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • equity — [n1] impartiality disinterestedness, equitableness, even handedness, fair mindedness, fairness, fair play, honesty, integrity, justice, justness, nonpartisanship, piece, reasonableness, rectitude, righteousness, square deal*, uprightness;… …   New thesaurus

  • equity — early 14c., from O.Fr. equite (13c.), from L. aequitatem (nom. aequitas) equality, conformity, symmetry, fairness, from aequus even, just, equal (see EQUAL (Cf. equal)). As the name of a system of law, 1590s, from Roman naturalis aequitas, the… …   Etymology dictionary

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