covered warrants

covered warrants
Warrants issued by a third party that is not the issuer of the underlying securities to which the warrant refers. The warrant issuer holds as many securities as would be required if all the warrants are exercised.

Euroclear glossary. 2008.

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  • covered warrants — Warrants issued by a third party that is not the issuer of the underlying securities to which the warrant refers. The warrant issuer holds as many securities as would be required if all the warrants are exercised. Euroclear Clearing and… …   Financial and business terms

  • Covered warrant — In finance a covered warrant (sometimes called naked warrant) is a type of warrant that has been issued without an accompanying bond or equity. Like a normal warrant it allows the holder to buy or sell a specific amount of equities, currency or… …   Wikipedia

  • Covered Warrant — A type of warrant that allows the holder to buy or sell a specific amount of equities, currency or other financial instruments from the issuer, usually a bank or a similar financial institution, at a specific price and time. The main differences… …   Investment dictionary

  • covered warrant — A call option on the shares of a company issued by a bank, where the bank has hedged its position in the underlying stock, usually by holding shares of the company in question. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary A security issued… …   Financial and business terms

  • Covered Warrant — Optionsscheine (engl. Warrants) sind verbriefte (d. h. als Wertpapier gestaltete) Optionen. Im Gegensatz zu börsengehandelten Optionen oder OTC Optionen eignen sich Optionsscheine auch für den Vertrieb am Retail Markt, denn sie können in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Warrants — Optionsscheine (engl. Warrants) sind verbriefte (d. h. als Wertpapier gestaltete) Optionen. Im Gegensatz zu börsengehandelten Optionen oder OTC Optionen eignen sich Optionsscheine auch für den Vertrieb am Retail Markt, denn sie können in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Covered call — Payoffs and profits from buying stock and writing a call. A covered call is a financial market transaction in which the seller of call options owns the corresponding amount of the underlying instrument, such as shares of a stock or other… …   Wikipedia

  • covered warrant —   Opzione cartolarizzata, quotata nei mercati borsistici primari, che attribuisce il diritto di comprare o vendere una determinata attività finanziaria ad un determinato prezzo e ad una data stabilita. Ai warrants può essere collegata a un titolo …   Glossario di economia e finanza

  • Covered Security — A Covered Security, under The National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996, is a security listed on the NYSE, AMEX, Midwest (Chicago), or NASDAQ Global Market or any security senior to (bond or preferred) or equal to (rights and warrants) …   Wikipedia

  • Covered security — A Covered Security, under The National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996, is a security listed on the NYSE, AMEX, Midwest (Chicago), or NASDAQ Global Market or any security senior to (bond or preferred) or equal to (rights and warrants) …   Wikipedia

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