security proceeds

security proceeds
"Security which is to be received by the holders as a result of the corporate action. Formerly known as: disperse securities, benefit."

Euroclear glossary. 2008.

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  • security proceeds — Security which is to be received by the holders as a result of the corporate action. Formerly known as: disperse securities, benefit. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • proceeds — pro·ceeds / prō ˌsēdz/ n pl 1: money or other property received as the result of a sale or other transaction esp. involving collateral retain a security interest in the proceeds of collateral 2: money received from an insurance policy Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • security — se·cur·i·ty /si kyu̇r ə tē/ n pl ties 1 a: something (as a mortgage or collateral) that is provided to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation used his property as security for a loan b: surety see also …   Law dictionary

  • Security interest — A security interest is a property interest created by agreement or by operation of law over assets to secure the performance of an obligation, usually the payment of a debt.[1] It gives the beneficiary of the security interest certain… …   Wikipedia

  • proceeds — Issues; income; yield; receipts; produce; money or articles or other thing of value arising or obtained by the sale of property; the sum, amount, or value of property sold or converted into money or into other property. Proceeds does not… …   Black's law dictionary

  • security interest — Interest in property obtained pursuant to security agreement. In re Wilson, Bkrtcy.Pa., 25 B.R. 61, 63. A form of interest in property which provides that the property may be sold on default in order to satisfy the obligation for which the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • proceeds sale — OTC securities sale whose revenue is used to buy another security. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • mandatory security distribution — Corporate action that occurs without any action being required on the part of the holders of the security. The issuer of a security (or its agent) delivers security proceeds to the holders of the security. This corporate action does not change… …   Financial and business terms

  • mandatory security distribution — Corporate action that occurs without any action being required on the part of the holders of the security. The issuer of a security (or its agent) delivers security proceeds to the holders of the security. This corporate action does not change… …   Euroclear glossary

  • Net Proceeds — The amount received by the seller after all costs and expenses are deducted from the gross proceeds arising from the sale of an asset. Depending on the asset sold, such costs may either account for a marginal percentage of the gross proceeds, or… …   Investment dictionary

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